001c - Hollywood Never Could Get Your Right (2).jpg

When conceiving the series “Hollywood Never Could Get You Right” I decided to create my own version of a lightbox to exhibit the work in a way that really showcased the colorfulness of the illustration-based collage series, in a way that I felt embraced not only the digital aspect of the work, but additionally the series themes of representation and emotional exposure.

Traditionally Lightboxes has its technology hidden and is often in disguise as a regular picture frame to emphasize the image being backlit by a steady white light. However the lightboxes I ended up creating has everything exposed, made entirely out of acrylic, and has the option of different lighting arrangements (from zen to disco) controlled by remote.

Affectionately referred to as “Disco Boxes” at Sinewy Sea headquarters, these light boxes have evolved over time, additionally showcasing works from other series and are now available in a greater variety of sizes.